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Skilled, careful use of Botulinum & fillers

to reduce the signs of ageing


Purified botulinum protein relaxes the muscles and smoothes the skin to give a youthful and natural look. Botulinum is internationally established as a highly effective and safe way to treat lines and wrinkles and has been used for over 30 years without any known long-term problems.


Dermal fillers are non-permanent and work with your body's own collagen to smooth away annoying grooves, lines and furrows that Botox® alone cannot fully help. Different grades of fillers are used depending on the effect or the quality of skin being worked with, to achieve the most natural result. In our view it’s one of the best and safest products available. Carefully placed by cannula and not a sharp needle, Shamim can achieve a more natural result with greater control to give you a fresher and more appealing result that you like.


There are many different materials and grades of material on the market; Shamim carefully selects and uses those that she knows will give the best result to her clients at The Stafford Dental Practice.

botox in stafford

Wrinkle softening is a straightforward procedure so you can even visit us in your lunch hour! We simply use a very fine needle to gently inject Botulinum Toxin  into the areas where it’s needed, so it can get to work smoothing out those lines and wrinkles. It usually takes around 7-10 days for the full effects to be visible with Botulinum Toxin treatments, with results lasting up to 4 months.


Fillers may be used to help stubborn areas.

botox in Stafford
Eyes (crows feet)

To smooth wrinkles around the eye, such as ‘crow’s feet’ or laughter lines, we use Botulinum Toxin. This treatment is quite similar to that used on the forehead.


We have been using Botulinum Toxin safely and effectively for years

dermal fillers in stafford

Shamim's training allows her to use dermal fillers with some special, subtle techniques to give you back that healthy and youthful appearance. Giving you a fresh faced appearance without looking puffed up.

jowl treatments with fillers

Using dermal fillers; a soft, natural redefinition of the jawline and jowl area to give a 

more youthful contour and shape. An area that is often overlooked.

dermal fillers in Stafford

As the years pass, skin on the hands thins, causing veins to become more prominent and liver spots to appear. Weight loss combined with ageing has a dramatic effect on your hands. This can be one of the first signs of ageing due to the harsh conditions we put them through and they are always on display.


Hand photos are very popular at weddings. We know of people who have avoided them or had to reshoot later on (at extra cost) once they have had their hands enhanced.


The procedure- where filler is injected into the skin- takes around 30 minutes to be completed and gives instant results.

dermal fillers in Stafford

One of the most effective ways to feel more confident about your appearance is to enhance the shape and fullness of your lips. We can help you achieve the results you want, using the very latest in dermal fillers and techniques.

botox in Stafford

Sun damage, ageing and weight loss can all affect this area.


Shamim's subtle techniques are designed for this most delicate area. People normally assume treatments are limited to the face, but there are many areas Shamim is happy to help with.

dermal fillers in stafford

for the best of botox in Stafford

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