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I have had a full and satisfying career as a family dentist for the last 37 years, but realised last year that it was time to move on.


Is that Loony? At least we are Official, unlike the other parties out there. And... we are the party that knows how to party! Legally...


What about politics? I don't, or rather didn't, see myself as a political animal; however the last few years have made me more and more frustrated, if not downright angry as our "leaders" consistently sell us down the river without any proper thought or wish for the greater good. In no particular order...


Mushrooming civil service, politicising of the NHS, destruction of the NHS, pandering to the loudest voice, seemingly overt corruption. Perhaps a general lack of backbone or moral compass.

A "lack of balls" to use an old phrase.


What about selling off national assets? Assets such as ports of entry, utilities (we used to have the cleanest water in Europe, now we have the best paid directors and shareholders), infrastructure such as steel and energy.


Watering down of useful policies such as apprenticeships. I am confident that YOU can think of many more.


Short-termism over the better health of the economy and nation, without any comeback.


The list goes on, but I will be detailing these matters over the days up to the election.

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