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Please share the hell out of this! Tonight there was to be a hustings, organised by Stafford FM; good for them! It has been cancelled....

Town centre... why is it dying?

Whilst I was in Coffee & Kitchen today... a nice place to drop into for coffee and a freshly made oatcake, by the way... we were talking...


Can we PLEASE make the justice system favour the victim more. Fund the CPS so that they will consider cases other than those they "know"...

Housing issues

Housing: Simple. For every home built on greenbelt, they should first be made to build 10 on brownfield So, for every 10 on green, build...

Local Healthcare

Once again, my apologies for being long winded, but it matters. Stafford matters. Local healthcare: Last time, I gave my views on the NHS...

Stafford Traffic

Traffic congestion in Stafford can be awful, if I am to be polite. From ill-timed roadworks to us being the M6 bypass, travel across a...

What's it all about?

Firstly, I apologise if this isn’t Loony enough for some: Stafford and the surrounding area has been my home for most of my life. I was...

We're off (well, nearly)!

The papers are in. I am pretty much set (pending final approval) to be the candidate for Stafford. It seems that only Theo Clarke beat me...

Registering for the election

This is something that I haven't done before... asked people to trust me enough to vote for me to represent them. Why is an election...

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