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Town centre... why is it dying?

Whilst I was in Coffee & Kitchen today... a nice place to drop into for coffee and a freshly made oatcake, by the way... we were talking about what might be needed to revamp the town centre.

Free parking? Longer opening hours? Fewer derelict shops?

Anything to make it more attractive to families, was the verdict. WE ALL NEED TO HELP, not just the shop-keepers, not just the Council.

All of us! We need to support the initiative and actually get off our backsides and attend these initiatives and be a community.

Free parking would be of some help, but the charges aren't that bad. Longer hours on the off-chance of custom isn't the beginning, but more of a combined solution. Supermarkets and trading estates with free parking seem to be the biggest issue, drawing people away from the centre. Unfair practice, eh? Let's create a reason for people to come in to town.

Derelict, unoccupied shops are an eyesore, detract from existing businesses and attract crime. If a property owner decides to leave a place unused for years, without good reason, then why not force a sale by public auction? Not compulsory purchase; the Council is probably the worst solution and they have enough on their plate. The new owner would be required to prove they have funds to get it back into use, or it goes back into the auction, next time. As an example, The Tavern is a lovely building that is being wasted. The old Evans & Evans shop too, is being wasted, right at the beginning of Greengate Street. There are many more.

Have regular features in the market square and up and down the high street, both in the day and into the evening. Small businesses such as Coffee & Kitchen are financially stung if they want to provide music for their customers; especially if they want to provide live music, for goodness' sake. The licence is bonkers and ruins the chance for performers to get their music in front of people.

Give traders a reason to extend their hours and they will!

None of this will work overnight. It will need all of US, I repeat... US... to make this work. Who wouldn't want a town centre that is full of life and more than bars, cheap takeaways, charity and vape shops?

When the charity shops are closing down the situation is dire.

Come on then, let's hear your ideas!

Is this Loony?

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