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Please share the hell out of this!

Tonight there was to be a hustings, organised by Stafford FM; good for them!

It has been cancelled. Because...

Only myself and the Green candidate responded and it is not viable to go ahead with 2/7 attending. None of the others even had the courtesy to respond; neither the lady from London, nor the others from Edinburgh or Bristol. Let alone the chappie who may like Elgar quite a lot.

There have been 3 proposed hustings: Elim church (cancelled due to the Londoner and Bristolian jointly deciding not to play), the NFU one that I found out about the day after and tonight's one. There may have been more, but I have not been told.


Perhaps the Borough Council should organise one for the next time? One that goes ahead, whatever shenanigans people decide to play.

So... if anybody would like to get a group together then I will happily come along and meet with you and answer any questions. Feel free to invite the others too, if they can be bothered.

This really is Loony!

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