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Can we PLEASE make the justice system favour the victim more. Fund the CPS so that they will consider cases other than those they "know" they will win.

Perhaps a reboot is in order?

As a balance, fund rehabilitation of offenders properly, with longer term follow up as well. I know of projects that either merely give lip-service to the concept or are cut just at the point where both the community and the offenders are seeing real benefits from what they are doing. Pulling the rug from under people who are just getting their balance of values back, is utterly idiotic and completely counter-productive!

A stick and a corrot... both are needed. A proper stick and a nice, juicy carrot.

Also, if we are desperately short of prison spaces (as we always seem to be), then... oh, I don't know... build more prisons? It seems more sensible that overriding the sentence that a judge tought to be appropriate.

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