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We're off (well, nearly)!

The papers are in. I am pretty much set (pending final approval) to be the candidate for Stafford. It seems that only Theo Clarke beat me to it... well her people did, she didn't.

I want to interact with you either through the Facebook page ( or get a bunch of people together and I will gladly come to you.

Why The Official Monster Raving Loony Party? Easy; because they are true individuals and do not tell me what to say. I do not and cannot agree with everything any of the bigger parties say or stand for. They all have things I like and all have things I hate, but I will not sell my soul and values in the shallow pursuit of power.

Why vote for me? Why do I deserve your vote? Simple; I don't deserve it. Nobody deserves it... it has to be earned! And that is what I will be doing over the next few weeks. If I say something you disagree with, then please tell me and I will listen and discuss it with you.

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