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Registering for the election

This is something that I haven't done before... asked people to trust me enough to vote for me to represent them. Why is an election about the cult of personality more than what you stand for? Spin and more spin has got us to where we are today and I don't hear many people being happy with this place. Let's have some honesty rather than bland, practiced tripe. Well tomorrow it will get real as I submit my application to Stafford Borough Council election team.

I was asked what is making me take this step? The amswer is a combination or disillusionment in those who have previously been elected to parliament and a certain degree of anger at the job they have done. Will I change the world? I very much doubt so, as one voice is not easy to be heard over the din of rehearsed soundbites and "the party machine" of the big-guns. However, you know what? One voice from a visible outsider might just make people stop and think. "None of the above" should be included on every ballot, but the bigwigs would never allow this, in case "none of the above" should win and expose the true level of respect in the country today for the great and the good in the corridors of power... heaven help us!

This is all rather alien, but here we go! Monster Raving Loony, eh?

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